Our proposal in the field of export management is twofold

The first alternative starts from the strategic planning known as gap analysis: the internal examination of the organization and the identification of its possible deficiencies at a structural, productive, distributive, pricing and branding level grant, according to our experience, to determine a strategy aimed at improving sales on foreign markets which is not financially dispersive and focused above all to compare current performances with those realistically desirable in the short and medium term.
This approach allows to apply, where possible, sustainable adjustments, preserving and appreciating what has already been implemented and offering commercial intuition not as a lifesaver but as a concrete added value on a long-term perspective. 

The second alternative is applicable to markets that are craved but have not yet been analyzed.
Planning their monitorable penetration, an efficient internationalization of the company, is an operation which, through our service, starts from an exploratory phase in the field, continues with the contextual study of competitors already present on the market and has as its purpose the identification of interlocutors who, for various reasons, can represent a valid synergy in human and professional terms.The optimization of the results will then be refined through the choice of the correct commercial formulas, the implementation of the branding, the strategic allocation of resources, the appropriate revision in the field of organizational design and, if required, the drafting and refinement of the contracts of distribution, agency or exclusivity

Obviously, the two alternatives are not antithetical and can also be implemented simultaneously, if required.